Twelfth Night brioche
It is thought that the roscones originated in Roman times either
in association with the festivities honouring the god Saturn after the
winter solstice or those for the god Janus who gave his name to January.
The buns were ring-shaped, made from figs, dates and honey. Nowadays
they are decorated with glace fruits to resemble the jewels in a king’s
crown. They may also be split and filled with cream or chocolate.
By the III century, a dried bean had been placed inside it and the
person who received it became the ‘king’ of the party. Nowadays, it
is eaten on the night of the 5th January or on the 6th, the Day of
the Children. It may also contain a gift or two and the person who
receives the bean is expected to pay for the roscón!
A Spanish rather than a Mallorcan custom, it is a laborious task to
produce its two doughs, one with yeast and one without, and is normally
purchased from a bakery.