These two giants are known as Es vaquer (the farmer) and Sa collidora de tāperes, (the Gatherer of Capers). He is 3.50 metres tall and she is 3.30 metres tall but they each weigh 40-45 kilos. They were built by Xavier Jansana in 2006, from wood, polyester and fibreglass.
Their introduction to their town in 2006 was a memorable occasion as they appeared at the entrance to the town hall wreathed in smoke and dramatic lighting. Their godparents at their baptism were the Inca giantess and Joan the charcoal burner from Mancor de la Vall.
In deciding on the symbolism for their new giants, the Town Council felt they should reflect the old occupations of the area and the farmer is shown with his milk pail and milking stool while the giantess carries her basket for the capers she is picking, the most famous crop of this region.